Thursday, December 1, 2011

Beijing Girl Says Man Without Money Is Rubbish (男人沒錢是垃圾)

Oh My God, I'm not sure if this is for acting or for real, but saying out loud to your boyfriend that he is rubbish in public place is just too brutal and cruel man. Look at the expression of the pathetic man, he is so full of shame and dare not even reply or look at her eye.

Let me summarize and translate what this gold digging crazy beijing lady says

"You are so poor, why should I marry you ?"
" Men without money is rubbish"
"I'm really scared to think about you being so poor"
"You are not going to have a good future with this kind of ..."
"We should just end our relationship, I will move out of the apartment tonight, BYE BYE"

Seriously, if your lady dares to insult you for being poor in public place. What would be your response?

1) Slap her
2) Ignore her like the dude
3) Ask her to shut up and break up with her instantly

If I'm that poor dude, my choice would be 3rd one.

Whether this is acting or real, it's just lame to belittle your partner in front of public. If a guy does the same to her girlfriend by saying " Girl who is ugly is rubbish, you are so ugly and fat, why I should marry you". You can imagine how hurtful the girl feel.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Malaysia Peaceful Assembly Act, are we becoming a police state?

ZZZzzz, I just read the pissful assembly act tabled at Parliament. We will not be allowed to assemble and voice our opinion at

 1) Dams, reservoirs and water catchment areas
 2) Water treatment plants
 3) Electricity generating stations
 4) Petrol stations
 5) Hospitals
 6) Fire stations
 7) Airports
 9)Land public transport terminals
 10)Ports, canals, docks, wharves, piers, bridges and marinas
 11)Places of worship
 12)Kindergartens and schools

 I think it's not the end of the world because there are still plenty of places where we can assemble. In example, we can still assemble in

 1) Public toilet
2) Stadium
3) In front of the Bungalow of corrupted officials
4) etc

 What irritate me about this act is we need to like notify the Officer in Charge of the Police District (OCPD) within 30 days before the date of an assembly. Oh well, why do we need to inform the public servants of our assembly 30 days in advance? I just don't get it. Furthermore, we need to wait like 12 days for the permission. Oh well, when shit hits the fan, and they are enough angry and hungry people on the street whereas the well connected greedy bastard are enjoying the cheesecake in their bungalow, nobody is gonna give a shit about the act. They will roam the street in anger of everything as evident in middle east and Europe. My humble advice to government, Make sure 99.999% of the Malaysian citizen can put food on the table and you will never have to worry about people violating the act.

 Also, Age of 15 below not allowed, this is understandable because they are just kids and may get hurt or easily become troublemaker ( IE the UK riot/looting).

 Finally, are we becoming police state as the crony capitalistic economy goes into perpetual contraction ?

Malaysia Corruption And The Cow Condo Scandal

Long time no update this blog liao because I have been busy these few months, lately our country has been bombarded with many corruption cases. The latest and most widely discussed one being the cow condo case. I'm really really not happy about this because, as a public servant, your mission is perform your social duty, like helping the poor and sick, not using public fund to buy million ringgit high-end condo to enrich own company. As a helpless peasants of Malaysia, we should continue to pressure our public servant using all means (ie Internet) to always uphold the virtues of being a good politician (like LIM GUAN ENG lor ) before our whole freaking nation descends into corrupted piece of cow dung even China is ashamed of.

Also, The future or current leader of Malaysia, must do whatever he or she can to eliminate useless and corrupted officers from cabinet who behave like parasites, leeching tax payer money for own benefit. For the extreme parasitic officers who get caught, We don't need death sentence like China but we should at least demote these people to doing dirty social services or re-education center before they can serve again ( we need to give these people a second chance ). If our leader is also corrupted and behave like corrupted gangster, then we should use our democratic power to vote him out jor..

BTW, Our corruption perception index has gone down ( Bad ) since 2007, that's not a good trend my friend. For 2011, we should expect a lower score with all the popularity gained from cow dung case, fishy submarine deal and etc

We are ranked 56th worldwide in the year of 2011, we are still better than China and India but man there is nothing to be proud of. Our (new) government have a lot of work to do to reduce corruption and get rid as many useless "public" servants as possible.

End this article with a great quote

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." By John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

Do you think opposition party deserve a chance to govern our great nation next term?

I say Yes. BN (Barang Naik) too long liao but if they win again, well, don worry It's not the end of the world. They are a few good and honest BN people that I know who would lead the country out of a cesspool of cow dung.